
Fake Accent

Edwards: Loved the international flavor on that potent Mets lineup of a few years ago.

Harkes: Definitely, Cahr-loz Bayl-trahn, Carh-loz Ndeyl-gah-do, Hozay Hray-esz, Lou-iz Castiyo, muy excelente jugadores Latinos.

Edwards: Ah, what he said. Anyway, back to this game, with David Ortiz at the plate and the count down to 3 and 0.

Harkes: Dah-vid or-TEEZ...miedo en la caja de los bateadores.

Edwards: And he'll take his hall pass and head on over to first base, where he is certainly no threat to steal, but Boston will take the baserunner for sure at this point. Crawford is up next.

Harkes: Aw, yeah, Caaarl Craawford...the pride of Houston, Texas. They say ev'rythang's bigger in Texas, but that just ain't true with this guy. But I tell ya what, he's fast as a steer that been improperly secured durin' brandin'.

Edwards: They have a lot of steers in New Jersey?

Harkes: ...

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